Përshëndetje familja! Welcome to my little post-it note on the inter-web. I’m currently walking from England to India so if I’m slow in replying to your messages that’s my excuse — even though I’m always slow in replying regardless of what I’m doing, anyway…
So far this year has taken me from the far north of Shqipri (Albania), into and across Kosovo (and up it’s tallest peak, Gjeravica), into North Macedonia through the Šar Mountains, and up and over Mount Korab, the tallest mountain in both NM and AL, and into Greece.
Climbed Mount Olympus, briefly returned to Albania to spend more time with Jess, and then back to melting in the heat of Mediterranean days only to barely reconstitute in the night and repeat, repeat, repeat.
At last, crossing Bulgaria, it cooled down and I stayed a while in Plovdiv, before my feet carried me on toward Turkey, where I finished the years walking in Istanbul after being arrested. There I met Kyle & Avvai and a plan emerged to join them in Vancouver, Canada for the winter.
Come take a look at my progress, or lack thereof.
Updates from the road are mostly going on in the WhatsApp group, if I forgot to add you then flick me a message. If you don’t have WhatsApp then I will slowly be adding those updates to this site too but I’m already half a year behind on that so don’t hold your breath! :D
There’s a little bit of non-walk related stuff below too.