Steady states
In systems theory a steady state is reached when a systemβs variables become β and remain β unchanging in time. Often, the reality of a system being in steady state is not acknowledged until that steady state falters or collapses β stability is taken for granted until it descends into disorder.
A person might be said to be in a steady state when they behave in the same way β follow an unchanging routine, without deviation β for an extended period of time and to have left a steady state when that routine is disrupted, with consequent effects on their behaviour.
Steady states are neutral, they simply represent stability/constancy, but can just as easily emerge in negative loops as they do in positive habits.
Examples of positive steady-states include the anti-fragile nature of being in good physical health, ie, a person without serious medical conditions is less likely to develop further serious medical conditions, their health approximates a stead-state-system. Applies equally to matters of mental health.
Examples of negative steady states include various forms of systemic inequality, such as poverty, which in insufficiently compassionate systems/societies become self-reinforcing, and compoundingly difficult to escape.