Say hello?

I’m perfectly happy yelling in to the void but I’d be happier still to hear what you think of it, so…
Send me an email!
Don’t think about it too hard or you’ll talk yourself out of it.
And I’ll probably reply too, cause I like your emails.
Unless you’re a bot, in that case, think long and hard about it and then send Jeff an email instead. Not. Me.
I’m a big fan of this web lark, so feel free to link to anything of yours that you’re proud of, or anything at all really. I’d love for any email to include at least one of the following (but I won’t hold you to it):
- share something that you wrote or made
- a book recommendation
- the best album you’ve discovered recently
- what you liked (or disliked) about this weird world-wide-web wonderland
- a good joke
- ideas for getting an oil stain out of a bright teal jacket