Not another Eble

Part four in a series, see parts #1, #2, #3, #5, and #6

Bless me Eble, for I have sinned, it has been ten days since my last submission.

Just two days after committing to a doodle a day for a mere seven doodles, I gave up. I could say I was busy with work on the cabin, and work up in the hills, I could forgive myself on the basis of having caught the flu, yada yada, but of course there was ample time in each day for the requisite doodle and I just didn’t do any. But I’ll save the introspection on my life long difficulty with consistently doing… anything, for another day.

After ten days AWOL, I’m back with another bad drawing. Not sure what I was going for with this one, bit all over the shop. The big triangle with a skew-wiff circle atop was borrowed from a Maori painting on a sail cloth I saw at the local gallery this afternoon. The wiggly lines emanating from the right-hand side that rather spoil the drawing mimic the cracks in my phones screen. There’s a big swoop, because these all seem to need that. To the right of the big swoop is an abstract kind of rocking chair. It’s got lines and shapes. It’s a drawing, it’s late, good night.

Eble four, the worst of all possible Ebles.