The last of the familiar faces

Day 4. Monday. Zero kilometres (towards Dover) but a very, very lovely day spent with Grandma. She took us out to the Old Mill, with the always grand Salisbury Cathedral just across the river. We brought a picnic and enjoyed the good weather. Grandma and I have grand plans to revive/rejuvenate the spirit of the country, but Grandma is much too busy and I’m off on a walk so instead we just talk about everything we think is wrong with the world :D We’re very optimistic at heart though, and both think that people are good and kind and that love is the way.
Zelda (mum’s dog) had a great swim at the Mill.
In the evening I took mum out to dinner in Marlborough and then off to the ruins of a Roman Villa at Littlecote that has one of the best preserved Roman mosaics in the country. Learned a bit about Orphism too.
Saying goodbye to the people you love doesn’t get easier — and it shouldn’t anyway — but sometimes I wish it would. It’s been hard these last couple months, saying hello to friends and family I haven’t seen for nearly 6 years, and saying goodbye sometimes in the same meeting. Too many goodbyes, and saying goodbye to Grandma and to mum in the same day was tough (but of course well worth it to see Grandma again x). Mum walked a short ways down the canal with me, lots of tears all round as she turned to head back while I carried on. Love you mum ❤️
On that sad note I’ll leave you hanging, I’m in need of a good sleep xx