Pearls, Archetypes, and Lodestars

Pearls, Archetypes, and Lodestars – Pearls for short – is an erratically expanding pile of the very best books, hypertext gems, artistry, and wisdom of all kinds that I have come across. It is comprised of evergreen things, lasting paragons of thought, all those things that I might wish I had written, or known, or thought.

A Pearl might be a mini-review of a good book, a few words on a print, painting, or poem that resonated with me, or just a link to a great article or interesting opinion from across the web.

Sometimes, when I can be bothered, I collect up a few of these many Pearls and foist them further out into the world by way of a mailing list.

This newsletter, inked to the finest parchment scroll that money can buy, sealed with reddest wax a flame can melt, clothed in a shawl of the finest silk, safe in the embrace of a mahogany chest, secured behind a swiss made padlock of the sturdiest kind deep in the hold of our purpose-built three-mast schooner, sets sail across the turbulent sea of other, lesser newsletters only once a month like twice a year such that you’ll never feel inundated, and to leave plenty of time to digest the riches of the previous dispatch.