What to do if you're bored?

So Silas finds himself in one of those moments of boredom, eh? Well here are a few things you might consider to better pass the time.

Listen to The Big Interview or In Our Time.

Go and trawl through archives.design or public.work.

Read something from the Almanack of Naval Ravikant, some of it’s naff but there’s good stuff in there too.


The Momus Questionnaire

  1. Have you rebelled against someone else’s dreary expectations of your life, and become something more unexpected?
  2. What in your life can you point to and say, like Frankie, ‘I Did It My Way’?
  3. What creative achievements are you most proud of?
  4. If there was one event in your life which really shaped you, made you the person you are today, what would it be?
  5. If you had to make a song or rap boasting about your irresistible charm and sexiness, how would you describe yourself?
  6. Have you ever made material sacrifices because of your integrity?
  7. Describe a public personality who exemplifies everything you’d like to be yourself, then another public personality who incarnates everything you’d least like to be.
  8. If you were an Egyptian pharaoh and had to be buried with a few key objects to take to the next world, what would they be?
  9. Do you have a favourite joke, quotation or proverb?
  10. What’s your favourite portrait (it can be a song, a painting, a film, anything)?