1:18am on January 30, 2025 from Vancouver, Canada.
filepath: /home/silas/notes/2025/01/30/011822.md
uid: da58b7ba-c8dd-4a5f-a642-64627f4898f0
slug: 2025/01/30/011822
title: Respiratory System, Birdfact
primary: references
secondary: quotes
available: 2025-01-30 01:18:22
created: 2025-01-30 01:18:22
updated: 2025-01-30 01:18:22
creator: Silas Jelley
layout: default
source: {'title': 'Respiratory System', 'publication': 'Birdfact', 'url': 'https://birdfact.com/anatomy-and-physiology/respiratory-system', 'text': 'Unlike mammals, birds breathe through continuous one-directional flow of air through the respiratory system.\nWe take air in and breathe it out, sort of like the tide moves in and out of a bay.\nAs a result, our breathing system is said to be tidal.\nAvians have a non-tidal respiratory system, with air flowing more like a running stream.\n', 'html': 'Unlike mammals, birds breathe through continuous one-directional flow of air through the respiratory system.\nWe take air in and breathe it out, sort of like the tide moves in and out of a bay.\nAs a result, our breathing system is said to be tidal.\nAvians have a non-tidal respiratory system, with air flowing more like a running stream.
via: {'title': 'Winter Reading', 'creator': 'Robin Sloan', 'published': datetime.date(2025, 1, 29), 'url': 'https://www.robinsloan.com/newsletters/winter-reading/'}
words: {'self': 0, 'code': {'lines': 0, 'words': 0}, 'references': 59}
links: {'internal': [], 'external': ['https://birdfact.com/anatomy-and-physiology/respiratory-system', 'https://www.robinsloan.com/newsletters/winter-reading/'], 'backlinks': []}