Anyway, what I’m saying is, real love is a little deluded. It’s not, yes this person will fit perfectly around my productive schedule, or, yes I’ve done my healing work and assessed my attachment style and now I can allow in an equally healed person. It’s meeting someone at a random, probably inconvenient time, right when your career is peaking or before you’ve even begun your big healing journey, and thinking, damn, guess I can’t get things done now. Guess that’s me not concentrating for the next year. Your head is just spinning with them. Dying to have them with you all the time, to know what they think of everything, to listen to every song they love. Hearing them in every lyric; reading them in every word.

— Freya India in N.S. Lyons, The Self and the Soul: A Dialogue with Freya India , The Upheaval, 2024