3:32pm on November 28, 2024 from Vancouver, Canada.
uid: 40afc617-fd71-4374-9c26-e6338c5ec97c
creator: Silas Jelley
primary: references
secondary: quotes
available: 2024-11-28 15:32:12
created: 2024-11-28 15:32:12
updated: 2024-11-28 15:32:12
slug: 2024/11/28/153212
source: {'title': 'Guy de Maupassant', 'creator': 'Isaac Babel', 'text': 'I spoke to her of style, of an army of words, an army in which every type of weapon is deployed.\nNo iron spike can pierce a human heart as icily as a period in the right place.', 'related': ['https://www.booksandculture.com/articles/2015/sepoct/spike-to-heart.html', 'https://archive.is/jPO3z'], 'words': 38, 'html': 'I spoke to her of style, of an army of words, an army in which every type of weapon is deployed.\nNo iron spike can pierce a human heart as icily as a period in the right place.
via: {'title': 'A Swim in a Pond in the Rain', 'sub_title': 'In Which Four Russians Give a Master Class on Writing, Reading, and Life', 'creator': 'George Saunders', 'published': datetime.date(2021, 1, 12), 'chapter': 'We Begin', 'pages': 5, 'publisher': 'Random House'}
filename: /home/silas/notes/2024/11/28/153212.md
title: Isaac Babel, Guy de Maupassant
interlinks: set()
backlinks: set()
tags: []
words: 0