4:08pm on November 25, 2024 from Vancouver, Canada.
filepath: /home/silas/notes/2024/11/25/160820.md
uid: 49c7d5d8-259f-4dfd-893d-c5dc1c5a3fd7
slug: 2024/11/25/160820
title: The Sympathizer, Does measuring the air temperature near a 21 lane asphalt highway impact measurements?, Physics Stack Exchange, 2019
primary: references
secondary: quotes
available: 2024-11-25 16:08:20
created: 2024-11-25 16:08:20
updated: 2024-11-25 16:08:20
creator: Silas Jelley
layout: default
source: {'title': 'Does measuring the air temperature near a 21 lane asphalt highway impact measurements?', 'creator': 'The Sympathizer', 'published': datetime.date(2019, 8, 3), 'publication': 'Physics Stack Exchange', 'url': 'https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/139572/does-measuring-the-air-temperature-near-a-21-lane-asphalt-highway-impact-measure#comment1114701_139590', 'text': '"That tiny difference was well within uncertainties.\nThere is no statistical difference between adjusting the temperatures recorded by those poorly-sited stations versus discarding all data from those stations."\n\nThis goes to show a key fault of denialistic thinking: favoring the fact of existence of a confounding variable (here, the thermometer position) over quantification of that confounding variable\'s actual effect on the conclusion, esp.\nwhen such quantification can be and actually has been done.\n', 'html': '“That tiny difference was well within uncertainties.\nThere is no statistical difference between adjusting the temperatures recorded by those poorly-sited stations versus discarding all data from those stations.”
\nThis goes to show a key fault of denialistic thinking: favoring the fact of existence of a confounding variable (here, the thermometer position) over quantification of that confounding variable’s actual effect on the conclusion, esp.\nwhen such quantification can be and actually has been done.
words: {'self': 0, 'code': {'lines': 0, 'words': 0}, 'references': 73}
links: {'internal': [], 'external': ['https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/139572/does-measuring-the-air-temperature-near-a-21-lane-asphalt-highway-impact-measure#comment1114701_139590'], 'backlinks': []}