filepath: /home/silas/notes/2024/11/08/
uid: 4f86638b-9842-4ac1-95a9-5cfdad9fb524
slug: 2024/11/08/161129
title: Pietro in Le Otto Montaigne, 2022
primary: references
secondary: quotes
available: 2024-11-08 16:11:29
created: 2024-11-08 16:11:29
updated: 2024-11-08 16:11:29
creator: Silas Jelley
layout: default
source: {'title': 'Le Otto Montaigne', 'character': 'Pietro', 'year': 2022, 'timestamp': '01:27:57', 'text': 'I was tired of that old me.\nI wanted to transform, evolve, leave.\n', 'html': 'I was tired of that old me.\nI wanted to transform, evolve, leave.
words: {'self': 0, 'code': {'lines': 0, 'words': 0}, 'references': 13}
links: {'internal': [], 'external': [], 'backlinks': []}