“There’s nothin’ stopping you.
That’s the only thing I learned on the inside.
The world lies to you and says change is hard.
It ain’t.
You can walk out and do it anytime.
Just be somebody else.
[…] It’s true.
And I’ll tell you something else, the only thing I learned from therapy: People who had rough childhoods, guys like you and me, you grow up scared of being happy.
It don’t feel right.
You find yourself sabotaging it, because you’re so scared that you’re gonna lose it that you’d rather just trash it yourself, so at least you can say it was your choice.
So, you go hunting for grievances, to give yourself an excuse.
— Chap in Jason Pargin, I’m Starting to Worry About This Black Box of Doom, St. Martin’s Press, Ch. Day 2, p. 192, 2024