uid: 57928611-aace-4753-ba1f-86aa532c74c4
creator: Silas Jelley
primary: references
secondary: quotes
available: 2024-10-08 12:16:56
created: 2024-10-08 12:16:56
updated: 2024-10-17 07:54:04
slug: 2024/10/08/121656
source: {'title': 'Interview: Teju Cole by Aleksandar Hemon', 'creator': 'Aleksandar Hemon', 'published': datetime.date(2014, 4, 1), 'publication': 'Bomb Magazine', 'url': 'https://bombmagazine.org/articles/2014/04/01/teju-cole-interviewed/', 'text': 'There is no way to leave history. There is no other place to go.', 'words': 14, 'html': 'There is no way to leave history. There is no other place to go.
via: {'title': 'Known and Strange Things', 'creator': 'Teju Cole', 'published': datetime.date(2016, 8, 9), 'publisher': 'Random House', 'isbn': 9780812989793}
filename: /home/silas/notes/2024/10/08/121656.md
title: Aleksandar Hemon, Interview: Teju Cole by Aleksandar Hemon, Bomb Magazine, 2014
interlinks: set()
backlinks: set()
tags: []
words: 0