uid: 63230691-2bea-45b3-8f19-f16049a396a7
creator: Silas Jelley
primary: references
secondary: quotes
available: 2024-10-05 09:30:49
created: 2024-10-05 09:30:49
updated: 2024-10-05 09:31:05
slug: 2024/10/05/093049
favourite: True
source: {'title': 'Paris-Match slogan', 'year': 1949, 'note': 'uncertain about year, Paris-Match was founded that year but slogan likely came later', 'text': 'The weight of words. The shock of photos.', 'wordcount': 8, 'html': 'The weight of words. The shock of photos.
via: {'title': 'On Photography', 'creator': 'Susan Sontag', 'year': 1977}
filename: /home/silas/notes/2024/10/05/093049.md
title: Paris-Match slogan, 1949
interlinks: set()
backlinks: set()
tags: []
wordcount: 0