uid: 8439ed37-19c7-436b-8eaa-3445994fd87f
primary: references
secondary: links
creator: Silas Jelley
created: 2024-08-08 14:36:06
updated: 2024-08-08 14:36:06
available: 2024-08-08 14:36:06
location: Permet, Albania
slug: 2024/08/08/143606
source: {'title': 'One Day—and One Night—in Anthony Bourdain’s Kitchen | The New Yorker', 'creator': 'Anthony Bourdain', 'created': '2000-04-09', 'publication': 'The New Yorker', 'url': 'https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/09/06/magazine20000417hells-kitchen?'}
via: {'title': 'No one wants to talk about death, deep takes on the human condition, and more!', 'creator': 'Jake Seliger', 'created': "The Story's Story", 'url': 'https://jakeseliger.com/2024/07/16/links-no-one-wants-to-talk-about-death-deep-takes-on-the-human-condition-and-more/'}
filename: /home/silas/notes/links/2024/08/08/143606.md
attrRich: — Anthony Bourdain, One Day—and One Night—in Anthony Bourdain’s Kitchen | The New Yorker, 2000-04-09 (via)
attrPlain: Anthony Bourdain, One Day—and One Night—in Anthony Bourdain’s Kitchen | The New Yorker
title: Anthony Bourdain, One Day—and One Night—in Anthony Bourdain’s Kitchen | The New Yorker
interlinks: []
backlinks: []
wordcount: 0