uid: d78188b0-b95b-46cd-af51-157256bb27d6
creator: Silas Jelley
primary: references
secondary: quotes
available: 2024-07-14 15:55:47
created: 2024-07-14 15:55:47
updated: 2024-07-14 15:55:47
slug: 2024/07/14/155547
source: {'title': 'Tao Te Ching', 'creator': 'Lao Tzu', 'text': "If you know when to stop, you're in no danger.", 'wordcount': 10, 'html': 'If you know when to stop, you’re in no danger.
filename: /home/silas/notes/2024/07/14/155547.md
title: Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching
interlinks: set()
backlinks: set()
tags: []
wordcount: 0