11:39am on June 26, 2024.
filepath: /home/silas/notes/2024/06/26/113914.md
uid: 7d4c273b-288f-44a2-b976-a4d5c9676ab8
slug: 2024/06/26/113914
title: Pete Boardman, The Shining Mountain: Two Men on Changabang's West Wall, 1976
primary: references
secondary: quotes
available: 2024-06-26 11:39:14
created: 2024-06-26 11:39:14
updated: 2024-06-26 11:39:14
creator: Silas Jelley
layout: default
source: {'title': "The Shining Mountain: Two Men on Changabang's West Wall", 'creator': 'Pete Boardman', 'year': 1976, 'url': 'https://publications.americanalpineclub.org/articles/12197932000/The-Shining-Mountain-Two-Men-on-Changabangs-West-Wall', 'text': '\nI felt in perfect control and knew the thrill of seeing the ropes from my waist\ncurl down through empty space. I was as light as the air around me, as if I were\ndancing on tip-toes, relaxed, measuring every movement and seeking a complete\neconomy of effort. Speak with your eyes, speak with your hands, let it all flow\nfrom your heart. True communication, true communion, is silent.\n\n', 'html': '\nI felt in perfect control and knew the thrill of seeing the ropes from my waist\ncurl down through empty space. I was as light as the air around me, as if I were\ndancing on tip-toes, relaxed, measuring every movement and seeking a complete\neconomy of effort. Speak with your eyes, speak with your hands, let it all flow\nfrom your heart. True communication, true communion, is silent.
via: {'title': 'The Unending Allure Of High Mountains', 'url': 'https://www.noemamag.com/the-unending-allure-of-high-mountains/'}
words: {'self': 0, 'code': {'lines': 0, 'words': 0}, 'references': 69}
links: {'internal': [], 'external': ['https://publications.americanalpineclub.org/articles/12197932000/The-Shining-Mountain-Two-Men-on-Changabangs-West-Wall', 'https://www.noemamag.com/the-unending-allure-of-high-mountains/'], 'backlinks': ['b2efdc1c-e57c-4659-880c-aa8402feef68']}