6:23pm on September 23, 2023 from Livno, Bosnia.
filepath: /home/silas/notes/links/2023/09/23/182307.md
uid: a67d2e7c-43b8-476f-a5db-fdc4d78afb96
slug: 2023/09/23/182307
title: Categories as taxonomy, tags as folksonomy
primary: references
secondary: quotes
available: 2023-09-23 18:23:07
created: 2023-09-23 18:23:07
updated: 2023-09-23 18:23:07
creator: Silas Jelley
layout: default
source: {'title': 'Rethinking Categorization', 'creator': 'Lea Verou', 'year': 2023, 'url': 'https://lea.verou.me/blog/2023/rethinking-categorization/', 'text': 'The theory is that categories are a [taxonomy][] and tags a [folksonomy][].\nTaxonomies can be hierarchical, but folksonomies are, by definition, flat.\nHowever, in practice, tags almost always have an implicit hierarchy, which is\nalso what [research on folksonomies in the wild tends to find][research].\n\n[taxonomy]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxonomy\n[folksonomy]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folksonomy\n\n[research]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folksonomy#Folksonomy_vs._taxonomy\n', 'html': 'The theory is that categories are a taxonomy and tags a folksonomy .\nTaxonomies can be hierarchical, but folksonomies are, by definition, flat.\nHowever, in practice, tags almost always have an implicit hierarchy, which is\nalso what research on folksonomies in the wild tends to find .
words: {'self': 13, 'code': {'lines': 0, 'words': 0}, 'references': 51}
links: {'internal': [], 'external': ['https://lea.verou.me/blog/2023/rethinking-categorization/'], 'backlinks': []}