uid: 78c0687a-0017-4833-a8f1-797d6672c9c8
creator: Silas Jelley
primary: references
secondary: quotes
available: 2022-07-10 21:06:48
created: 2022-07-10 21:06:48
slug: 2022/07/10/210648
source: {'title': '10 Years with Hayao Miyazaki', 'creator': 'Hayao Miyazaki', 'year': 2019, 'director': 'Kaku Arakawa', 'text': 'Most important things in life are a hassle. If life’s hassles disappeared,\nyou’d want them back.', 'wordcount': 16, 'html': 'Most important things in life are a hassle. If life’s hassles disappeared,\nyou’d want them back.
filename: /home/silas/notes/2022/07/10/210648.md
updated: 2022-07-10 21:06:48
title: Hayao Miyazaki, 10 Years with Hayao Miyazaki, 2019
interlinks: set()
backlinks: set()
tags: []
wordcount: 0