If the phrase “modal editor” means nothing to you, count yourself lucky and ignore everything that follows. For the rest of you clowns, leave your vitriol at the door.

I love vim, but the fact that I feel the need to tell you I actually use neovim is proof enough that everyone who talks about vim sounds exactly the fucking same – me included – which is why I’ve tried not to. But I love vim so I have to. I’ll keep it brief.

Vim is a special class of philosophy, in that everyone takes the same path through it. To leave the path is to leave vim. Vim is a cult.

Kev Watters lays bare all our culty, modal bullshit much better than I can in This is Your Brain on Vim.

Click through and have a read.

If you love vim and this makes you laugh, you’re going to be fine
If you love vim and this doesn’t make you laugh, you hate yourself
If you love emacs, you hate your operating system