uid: bd68abbf-d7be-40b8-b1cb-43ae36fda6b9
primary: references
secondary: quotes
creator: Silas Jelley
created: 2015-12-09 15:08:00
available: 2015-12-09 15:08:00
location: Bristol, United Kingdom
place: My bedroom at Falmouth Road
slug: 2015/12/09/150800
source: {'title': 'The Name of God Is Mercy', 'creator': 'Pope Francis'}
filename: /home/silas/notes/2015/12/09/150800.md
updated: 2015-12-09 15:08:00
attrRich: — Pope Francis, The Name of God Is Mercy
attrPlain: Pope Francis, The Name of God Is Mercy
title: Pope Francis, The Name of God Is Mercy
interlinks: []
backlinks: []
wordcount: 11